Start gold farming right now!

I have been using many different botting clients over the years since I started in this beautiful scene back in 2015. Any OG’s in the house who still remember Powerbot? All these different clients had their own unique benefits and disadvantages. Over the years these botting clients would fight ferociously to be the top botting client out there. Many clients came and many clients disapeared. There’s still a few OG ones out there like osbot, dreambot, tribot & epicbot.

I made this post because I wanted to inform you guys about the new king of the hill, a botting client/manager which has been making quite a name for itself. It’s actually by far the smoothest and most advanced gold farming experience for me so far. Drum ruffle, let me introduce you to the bottinghub.


Bottinghub is pretty much everything you need for gold farming stuffed into one powerfull platform. From creating accounts, scripts, unlocking accounts, script queieung, auto muling to G.E restocking. Bottinghub has a tight community and very active devs who offer support when needed. Bottinghub is really a game changer for the reason it allows you to manage, automate and really scale your farm to a next level. Here’s an overview of their different botting plans which are currently available:

Here are some of the scripts which are included within the different plans on Bottinghub:

Ready to amp up your gold farm with just a few simple clicks? Check em out on!

(coupon codenom20 for a 20% discount on the lifetime plans & nom10 for a 10% discount for the monthly plans)

Running a bot for 14 days straight
An overview of the Botting Hub Manager

Trustpilot score & reviews: